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- Marine environmental activities in Nigrán. Environmental divulgation project for the Nigrán City Council (+INFO) - " Cetaceans and sea turtles on the islands. Protected marine spaces in the area of the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia ", 2023. (+INFO) - "PHOCOE-NANDO", 2023. For CaixaBank (+INFO). - "REVARGAL - Galician stranding network ". 2022 - 2025. For the Biodiversity Foundation of the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition (+INFO). - "Training and dissemination on assistance and study of marine mammals". 2022. For the A Coruña province Government (Deputación da Coruña). - "VOLUNVAR: volunteer plan to support the Galician stranding network". 2022. For the Local Action Group of the Fisheries sector Ría de Vigo - A Guarda of the Consellería do Mar de la Xunta de Galicia (Galician governement). - "DOTAVAR: protocol, coordination and tools for the Galician Stranding Network (GALP7-137)". 2021. For the Local Action Group of the Fisheries sector Ría de Vigo - A Guarda of the Consellería do Mar de la Xunta de Galicia (Galician governement). - " Preparation of a scientific study on the interaction of the orca (Orcinus orca) population of the Strait of Gibraltar with boats, for the design of a proposal for prevention and management actions ". 2021. Action of the LIFE IP INTEMARES (LIFE15 IPE ES 012). Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, through the Biodiversity Foundation. -“VIRADA: Bases for the reduction of the by-catch mortality in fishing gear of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Natura 2000 areas of Galicia”. 2019-2020. Carried out together with OPPF-4, and with the collaboration of the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry for Ecological Transition, through the Pleamar Program, co-financed by the EMFF. (+ INFO). - "TurGaSur. Monitoring and improving the knowledge of the management unit Tursiops truncatus - Galicia South, in Natura 2000 Network". 2018- 2019. Funded by the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition, through the Biodiversity Foundation (+ INFO) - “Update of the conservation status of the harbour porpoise in the North Atlantic and South Atlantic demarcations and the preparation of the draft conservation plan ” LIFE IP-PAF INTEMARES (LIFE15 IPE ES 012). 2017-2018. Financed by Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Nutrition and Environment. - “Development of analysis criteria to determine accidental mortality in fishing gears in stranded cetaceans ” (23.06.456D.640). 2016. Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Nutrition and Environment. - “Training in assistance and study of stranded marine mammals and sea turtles in Galicia ” (SA-P-0018-15). 2015. Financed by Xunta de Galicia Regional Ministry of Environment. - “PHOCOEVAL. Evaluation and determination of the conservation category of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula”. 2015. Financed by Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Nutrition and Environment, through the Biodiversity Foundation. - “Galicia on the back of the whale”. 2013-2014. Financiado polo Grupo de Acción Costeira GAC7 Vigo – A Guarda. - "Bases for the development of conservation plans for protected cetacean species in the North Atlantic marine demarcation ". 2011-2012. Financed by the Ministry of Environment, Rural areas and Sea (2011) and by the Fundación Biodiversidad (2012). - "Study of the impact of fishery and recreational ports on cetaceans ". 2007-2010. Financed by the Xunta de Galicia Regional Ministry of Rural Environment. - "Thunnus surveys: cetaceans and albacore fisheries ". 2007-2010. Financed by the Xunta de Galicia Regional Ministry of Sea. - " LIFE+ INDEMARES: inventory and designation of marine Nature 2000 areas in the Spanish Seas". 2009-2013. Financed by EU. Coordinated by Fundación Biodiversidad (Spanish Ministry of Environment, Rural Areas and Sea) and carried out by CSIC, IEO, Alnitak, CEMMA, Oceana, SECAC, SEO y WWF. - " SAFESEA project. sustainable local fisheries and promotion of a safe sea for cetaceans ", 2008-2012. Portugal project carried out by Universidade do Minho. CEMMA was external consultant, with Fisheries Association Centro Litoral (COPLitoral) (PT); Fisheries Association of Viana do Castelo (VianaPesca)(PT) and Institute of Marine Research, University of Oslo (NO). - " Teaching at the sea". 2008-2010. Financed by Xunta de Galicia Regional Ministry of Sea. - " Protecting the marine environment: marine bioacoustics studies in Galicia ". 2008. Financed by the Xunta de Galicia Regional Ministry of Environment. - " LaCaixa supporting the sea. Coastal surveys at Galicia ". 2008. Financed by Fundació La Caixa. - “ Bases for the conservation and management of endangered cetacean species in the Atlantic and Cantabrian waters " . 2006-2007. Financed by the Fundación Biodiversidad. - " Sounds of the sea". 2005-2007. Financed by Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza. - " Evaluation of the impact of the "Prestige" oil spill on the turtles, seals and cetacean populations at the coastal waters of Galicia ". 2003-2005. Financed by Fundació LaCaixa. - "EUROFLUKES: initiating an european network to develop an european cetacean photo-id system and database" (EVR1-2001-00015). 2001-2002. Coordinated by Center of Environmental Science of the University of Leiden, Netherlands. - " Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in small cetaceans of European augas: transport routes and impact on reproduction " (CE proposal EVK3-2000-00556), 2001-2003. Coordinated by the University of Aberdeen, being partners Instituto de Investigacións Mariñas (CSIC), Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum de de Leiden, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, University College de Cork, Universidade de La Rochelle, Centre de Recherche sur les Mamíferes Marins de La Rochelle en Francia and CEMMA. - " Collection of fishery data and monitoring of bycatch of small cetaceans in pelagic fisheries in Scotland and Galicia "(CE 00/027), 2001. Coordinated by University of Aberdeen, with partnership of Departamento de Física Aplicada de la Universidade de Vigo and CEMMA. - "Status of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus , in the Pontevedra province", 2000. Financed by Xunta de Galicia Regional Ministry of Environment. - " Development of software to estimate non-reported bycatches and effort data, and apply fisheries management models " (DG Pesca, Estudio 97/170), 1998-2000. Coordinated by University of Aberdeen, and partnership of Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC) and CEMMA. - "Fisheries impacts on small cetaceans in coastal waters of northwest Spain and Scotland " (DG Pesca, Estudio 97/089), 1998-2000. Coordinated by University of Aberdeen, and partnership of Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC) and CEMMA. |
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