An average of 240 cetaceans, seals and sea turtles are found stranded on the Galician coast each year. Most of the animals are found already dead,carried by currents, but approximately 10% are found alive. It is then necessary to start actions to assess each case, decide between the immediate reintroduction or transfer to the rehabilitation facilities, and once this period has been finished successfully then proceed to the release of the animal in the sea. Nowadays there are no appropriate facilities in Galicia to attend cetaceans of more than two meters or leatherback turtles, so only direct reintroduction can be considered.
The animals are treated in a first phase in the CEMMA facilities under the supervision of the veterinary staff. For the second phase prior to release, we use large swimming pools borrowed up by the Galician Institute of Training in Aquaculture (IGAFA) of the Illa de Arousa or the O Grove Aquarium. For the diagnosis by image our veterinary team has the collaboration of the Veterinary Hospital Rof Codina of the University of Santiago de Compostela in Lugo.
The seals are released into the waters of the Gran Sol, where they come from, thanks to the collaboration of fishing boats that work in the area. For this,will never be sufficiently grateful to them.


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