REVARGAL is launched as a continuation and reinforcement of the work carried out by CEMMA at the Galician Stranding Network (NW Spain) since 1990, and within an aid program promoted by the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition through the Biodiversity Foundation, financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR). |
The average number of strandings recorded in Galicia is 270 individuals/year, considering cetaceans, seals and sea turtles. A continuous increasing trend in the general number of strandings is observed, although it varies depending on the species groups. The information provided by these cases is fundamental in relation to the health of the populations and causes of mortality, but also as a contribution of samples for several ecobiological studies, information that cannot be obtained in any other way and without invasive methods. |
10% of the specimens are found stranded alive and are likely to be refloated or rehabilitated and returned to the sea in good condition. In this way, 70% of the sea turtles and seals stranded alive have been reintroduced in the last 30 years. One of the keys to the success of the Galician Stranding Network is the social projection through informative work and the training of volunteers, which allows a return of alerts along the coast and the creation and maintenance of a specialized technical team to cover the 1,500km of Galician coast. |
The objectives of the project are: - To monitor and respond to cases of strandings and accidental captures along the Galician coast. - To find out the possible cause of death and the incidence of human impacts. - To assist live specimens through direct reintroduction or transfer for rehabilitation. - To monitor the coastal use of those individuals susceptible to stranding or that had been reintroduced after stranded. - To promote social participation as a fundamental tool for conservation. Volunteer training and social awareness. |
- Revargal Newsletter 1. December, 2022 (Spanish) pdf | ||
- Revargal video. 2022 numbers (Spanish) | ||
- Revargal video. Biometrcs (Spanish) | ||
The Galician stranding network has the support of the Biodiversity Foundation Fundación Biodiversidad of the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition, through the Revargal project, which is financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and with the support of the Galician Ministry of the Environment. | ||
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